Nursery Care:
Ministry Volunteers are excited to announce the care and nurturing of children birth through five during the Sunday morning worship service. There will be two volunteers each Sunday.
Parents - bring you children to the nursery prior to the start of worship. The Ministry Volunteers will bring all children into the sanctuary at the beginning of worship to begin teaching children to worship. They will take your children to the nursery at the conclusion of the first congregational hymn. Parents will pick up their children from the nursery at the close of the service.
PrimeTimers Outreach:
We will have a monthly outreach meeting for Seniors the third Tuesday of each month from 10am to 12:30pm We have a devotional time, play some games together, and have lunch.
Baptist Men
Baptist Men's Breakfast is held every 2nd Sunday at 8:30 AM. Come and bring a friend.
Sunday School
We have Sunday School for all ages beginning at 9:45 AM each Sunday morning.
The Church at Prayer
Each Wednesday evening we meet at 6:00 PM for a devotional and prayer.
We have a wonderful choir and meet to practice each Wednesday at 7:00 PM.